The quadcopters

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetBoth of our quadcopters are unwell at the moment, we are waiting for the new bits and bobs from Taobao! Thank you CHome Service for the Taobao support.

Update: currently we have the third quadcopter, the F330.

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Crumpled chain

Mia Tedjosaputro_A3 PAPER_artwork competition

I submitted a proposal for an artwork competition, organised by the library.

The idea came on one fine afternoon, I had a chat with Matt about his surplus chain he was holding. His brand spanking new titanium chain. And I said “what can we do with that?”

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DigiArchAutumn2011: Week 3- Design Synopsis_Spatial Context and Events

1 October 2011.

Local Plan- Macro Scale. source: Ordance Survey


Local Plan- Micro Scale


Points of interest:

  • Surrounded by many focal points, there is potential to explore a space to accommodate dynamic visitor (leisure space)
  • A well known meeting point
  • A high volume crisscross path, vehicles and human movements
  • Visitors tend to drop by and have a break



Leisure Activities


There is a possibility to explore a positive space for leisure activities, by looking at its distribution. Types of possible leisure activities: Art exhibition, Art performances, talk events

Open and Green Space


Within 150m radius, there is a tendency of a possibility to create a greenery space in the midst of a high density urban site. Dominant adjacent land use is high density of three to four storeys height shop houses.

Temporary park + temporary architecture + temporary leisure activities (i.e.multimedia installation)
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