ICoRD 2015, Bangalore, India.

20150103_icord poster_comp

ICoRD (International Conference on Research into Design) 2015. Bangalore, India.

The poster was presented after the brief podium presentation; during tea time.

Tedjosaputro, M., Shih, Y., Pradel, P. & Niblock, C. (2015). Multidisciplinary Design Behaviour Using Sketching and Mental Imagery: A Literature Review and Considerations for Future Research. In: Chakrabarti, A. (ed.) ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 1. Springer India.

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UNNC FoSE Research Showcase 2014


There is an upcoming PhD students poster competition held by the faculty. Posters have been submitted yesterday and they’ll be put on boards on Friday. I’d rather call it as ‘research showcase’, because of the opportunity to talk to people and peers about research is more valid.

So yes, say Hi this Friday 25 April 2014, anytime between 9-12am, SEB (Science and Engineering Building). Please pop along if you have a bit of free time. Lil birdie says that snacks+drinks will be provided!

A quickie poster by me about my research. Bfn.

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