October 31st: dyeing class on campus

If you are interested on joining the blue dyeing class on the above mentioned date, give me a shout! I am just facilitating Ming Shu (workshop lady) and Syd the teacher to come on campus (UNNC), as I thought it will be fun. The next one will be leather course, all being well. stay tuned.

Link to the materials in Taobao is here.

Background information from online source: Designsponge, The Etsy blog and Alice&Lois.

Pictures are taken during the workshop I attended in Master T studio a couple of weeks ago.


Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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Pilot study: still recruiting!

Hiya all, I am still recruiting participants for my pilot study. If you are UNNC’s final year students majored in architecture, product design or FoSS (Faculty of Social Sciences); and up for a bit of design session fun (yes I know yo do!). Visit http://www.miatedjosaputro.com . Bfn.

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