MAD Talk 5:

MAD (My Awesome Doctoral) Talk is organised by some doctoral degree students in UNNC to promote cross-disciplinary research environment.

MAD Talk 5 “The use of sketches and mental imagery in the ideation process: A pilot study.

Abstract: The research focuses on exploration of the design process in the early design stage. Different modes of representation are utilised during this stage, however, comparison will be conducted only through external and internal representation. The role of free-hand sketches is evidently indispensable, but the use of mental imagery and their interplaying roles are always assumed but not thoroughly observed. The aim of the research is to provide empirical evidence of the interplay and also to contribute to addressing the difficulty in measuring mental imagery. Protocol studies were conducted in two different environments, with and without sketches.


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Cycling and camping trips

This trip is the second trip Simon Dawson has organised. Contributing on the catering side, it was a fun experience to brainstorm about feeding a big group of peeps. Each trip progresses, in terms of efficiency and speed. Matt and I have camped countless times in Europe and here in China, when it comes to food, we know exactly what we want: a hot cheesy pasta. Which sometimes for a big number of people is rather less feasible.

So for this time I came out with this menu:

  • Dinner: cheeseburgers with homemade patties (made patties a day before), the classic mac+cheese and jacket potatoes
  • Nibbles: tried the chocolatey banana split and the ultimate marshmallows on sticks. Subsequently Spencer and the guys went out for more tatties and fire wood, bless them!
  • Breakfast: omelette in bags (Ida and I tried this a day before, with Ida’s meticulous skill on checking the eggs) and quick oats.

Thank you internet for providing accessible online recipes and made recipes research a lot easier. What kind of excitement for the next one? Contact Simon Dawson if you are interested, May the 16th and 17th.


Good to have a beer with view before cracking on with the cooking and stuff!



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