Ningbo local Drawing Circle

Update: I have a green light to start a new Local Drawing Circle in Ningbo :) I chose a Local Circle because I like the idea of meeting somebody and pass a physical sketchbook. Along with the Local Circle, I am joining the Global Circle too but my focus here is the local one.

Here is the Local Circle in a nutshell: the start date is always first day of the month. While you have the sketchbook for a month, draw as much as you want on the same book. At the end of the month, you will need to pass it to the next person. Once we are done with the 12th sketcher (in a year time), the book will need to be sent back to the first person.

You do not need to have a design background, everybody is welcome. I am not the best sketcher myself to be honest.

Let me know if you are interested to join the collaborative local mission, I will put you in touch with Angela Brew. Membership of the circle is GBP6 (60kuai) through Paypal. Link to examples, other Drawing Circles and running circles are here (VPN is needed). You can always join other type of circles: National or Global Circles. One of the sketchbook  has traveled from United States-India-United Kingdom! Have a peep at the site. Update: If you are keen on joining but the fee/ the Paypal account puts you off, i can sort it out for you. 

There will be a “Thinking through Drawing” symposium, November 7-8th 2015 in London; to meet up and talk about the books. Regrettably I do not think I will stay until November in England, but we might be able to join it through virtual meeting/review. Note: I am thinking out loud, possibly we can reproduce some drawings and put up a small exhibition in Ningbo.

To sum up, let me know if you are up for the second month or subsequent months. Your own pace and time, very flexible. Please visit the circles site too (with VPN):  Bye for now.

Other links: The sketchbooks, May 2015- I started the circle, End of my sketching month- May 2015, Featured in Ningbo Focus 2015.

(graphic was drawn by me for ICoRD conference poster, January 2015)


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