Ningbo Focus: June 2015. The Ningbo Local Drawing Circle.

The article I envisage to get more people on board in the fun project. Written by me, edited and featured in Ningbo Focus- June 2015. It is part of BrewDrawing project based in London. Good news is that every month your doodles will be featured in Ningbo Focus. Kindly spread the words for those who might be interested. I sincerely hope to have a full year (12 sketchers) for a start. And nope, you are not secretly taking part of my research. I would have mentioned it otherwise. Purely fun and for both specialists and non-specialists!

Previous links:

Initial idea of the circle, The sketchbooks, May 2015- I started the circle, End of my sketching month- May 2015.


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Mia: Ningbo Local Drawing Circle May 2015

Update: My favourite sketch is featured in Ningbo Focus July 2015. Page66. Stay tuned every month for other sketcher’s favourite scribbles.

Hiya guys, my turn had come to an end. I will pass the sketchbook to Karen, sure she will take a good care of it! Here are my favourites from the book.

Reflecting on my personal aim I stated at the beginning of my month, I would say it is been a successful attempt to certain extent although I will not say I have covered the whole Ningbo (nowhere near!). You will see bits of my daily life (get going with my research), personal interests and also my rambling about other stuff. Most importantly, I had fun!

Please do let us know if you want to contribute 🙂 You will have the sketchbook for a month. On your own pace and time, draw as much as you want. By the end of the 12th month, we’ll gather and talk about the sketchbook. Here for more info. Bfn!

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23-24 May 2015: Cycling and camping trip- aerial footage and pictures

The third cycling and camping trip went really well. Selected pictures of the previous trip is here. On the trip last weekend we took one of our quadcopters, the F330. One of lots of videos is embedded (VPN is needed). Good fun, great time and fab company. Let us know if you are interested on more trips to come. Or contact the captain: [email protected]. Bfn!





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Video: Flying the F450 quadcopter

We flew our quadcopter around campus a couple of days ago. The five minutes (sped up to double speed) YouTube video was when I took turn to fly it. Pardon the novice piloting skill, lacking of gimbal and inexperienced cinematography skill. Baby steps ey!

Ever since I graduated from the Syma toy quadcopter, the F450 is just an amazing piece of equipment (thanks to Cinta– Matthew Wallwork, for the incredible problem solving and technical skills). Good news are Cinta will be building another quadcopter, F330, more aerobatic for flips and stuff. And we just placed an order for FPV and the goggles, super excited! Hope to get hold of the gimbal and 4k GoPro soon.

Here is the phenomenal UNNC’s (University of Nottingham–  the China campus) Chinese garden and English garden, hope you enjoy it.

The Nottingham geese were pretty excited when the quadcopter was upside down, they wanted to check it out. I took the picture this afternoon when I was trying to quietly pap them marching on the lawn, suddenly they made this move! Hillarious.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Bye for now!

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1 May 2015: starting the Ningbo Local Drawing Circle

Hi guys, hope you are enjoying your holiday. It is a glorious day in Ningbo. We planned on cycling and flying the quadcopter on mountains today and get some footage. While waiting for Matt, I started to draw on the brand spanking new sketchbooks. This month is my turn.

I woke up in the morning with our 450 quadcopter and the radio controller on the dining table. Quite an interesting shape with joysticks, switches and a display. So that’s my first couple of drawings. My personal aim is to show Ningbo to the world (the circle is the first one in Ningbo- possibly in China too actually) along with my day-to-day life and personal interest through series of scribbles. That’ll make me explore Ningbo more, downtown area and interesting places. Let’s see how it goes, shall we! For info about the circle, click here and here are the books. Bfn.

Link to other circles (BrewDrawingCircles) is here, VPN is needed though.

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Pilot study: thank you for your contribution!

The pilot study data collection stage has come to the end. I would like to say thank you to all participants especially the interest to came along and did two sessions. Special thank you also goes to UNNC lecturers and friends who helped to disseminate recruitment poster, info and the chance to pop in during studio time (Ulf Richter, Rosaria Franco, Juliane Scheffel, Ali Cheshmehzangi, Yat Ming Loo, my supervisors and everybody I cannot mention one by one, for making this possible). Also Matthew Wallwork my better half for the incredible support. I am sure the pilot study is a great step on the right direction for the subsequent study, the main study. Bfn.


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