Digital Architecture Spring 2020: Module Evaluation Form

This week we are wrapping up our module on Week 17 with feedback on your last submission. I would appreciate if you can spare a few minutes to fill in this survey, the module evaluation form. I believe the last 17 weeks have been a great journey for both learners and myself as a facilitator. This survey will be my starting point to reflect on my teaching practice to improve for next year.

Appreciate it, ta.

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Week 1: About the module and important notions

Hi all, here are the materials for this Week 1. First part explains about this module (aims and objectives, learning outcomes etc). The second part gives a brief introduction through my writing in terms of digital design pedagogy, click here to download the paper. There are audio embedded on the files so please click of the “play button” icon.

NBU_Digi_W1_Part 1

NBU_Digi_W1_Part 2

Attached is the Harvard referencing guide for academic writing, for the essay submission. If you have a different existing referencing guide you have been using during your study, let me know and we can discuss.

Harvard referencing guide

Week 1 Discussion:

What are major changes in terms of the way architects think, make and design?
How did the relational value between design tools and designers shift?
What did you know about digital architecture which previously you didn’t know?

Leave your thoughts at the bottom of this post (online forum widget).

Supporting materials (6 case studies mentioned on the paper) can be found here:

1- a new representational ecosystem bla

2- spaceship architecture2- spaceship architecture

3- the nine square grid

4- remote studio site

5- digital culture bla

6- vase

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Master LA: Welcome

Hi all, here are the materials for Week 2 Landscape Architecture session.

1 of 5 Master LA_Introduction

2 of 5 Master LA_Walker

3 of 5 Master LA_Gustafson

4 of 5 Master LA_Valkenburgh

5 of 5 Master LA_Discussions and closing

Supporting materials:

Landscape as architecture


In the first part of session, we will be indulged with design precedents designed by the three master landscape architects and their teams. Second session is structured with discussions, please follow the related link and join the online form at the bottom of each post. Input text related to each landscape architect can be found in their respective group’s link.

Discussion 1: After reading an interview of the landscape architect group you would be assigned, discuss about his/her approach to design.

Assigned group can be found here:

D1.1 Group 1: Peter Walker, click here

D1.2 Group 2: Kathryn Gustafson, click here

D1.3 Group 3: Michael Van Valkenburgh, click here

Discussion 2: After reading the other two groups’ discussion, draw your own conclusions about typology of landscape design practice.


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NBU Digital Architecture: Assessment Documents

Hi all, this page is where the assessment documents and updates will be communicated. Assessment 1 is designed specifically for this challenging time, taking into accounts the Doodle poll that only 40% of you have access to the software. Peer assessment link will be published in Week 13. Assessment 2 is a reflective report on your computational design thinking practice throughout the semester.

I would suggest to read these documents by the beginning of Week 8, so that you have a full picture of the upcoming assessments to be able to plan them better. Refer to Week 7 materials for the theoretical lenses underpinning the assessments.

1_DG_assessment brief_general ed2

2_DG_assessment 1

3_DG_peer assessment

4_DG_assessment 2

5_DG_assessment 2- grading rubric

6 DG_provision of feedback

Re assessment timeline, please refer to the first document (the general brief). In case of extenuating circumstances, please contact me as soon as you can. Email or WeChat me.

Dr. Mia A. Tedjosaputro
Module convenor and facilitator, spring semester 2020

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